There's nothing better than sitting in the backyard, listening to the crickets chirp, watching the sun set and enjoying a fire. As the coolness of the evening creeps in, you can gather with friends and family around the fire pit to unwind and maybe roast a few marshmallows. In order to keep your family, friends and property safe, follow these tips when lighting a backyard campfire.

1. Check with your local law enforcement agency to see if there are any rules governing campfires. You don't want to have your relaxing evening interrupted by a visit from the police.
2. Build your fire in an enclosed area, such as fire bowl or pit, where it will be contained.
3. Find a place out in the open for the fire, away from trees and structures.
4. Go over safety rules with children. Remind them to stay back and to never run around the fire.
5. Never burn garbage in the campfire, which can result in unhealthy, black smoke.
6. Never leave a fire unattended.
7. Have a fire extinguisher or hose handy to take care of a fire that gets out of control.
8. Don't start a fire during dry spells or when there are high winds.
9. Always extinguish the fire when you're finished with it by pouring water over it until all embers are out and it is not emanating any heat.
10. Lots of memories are made by gathering the family around a campfire. For some, it has become a favorite activity right in the backyard. So long as you continue building fires with safety in mind, you can continue making fireside memories for years to come.
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